G7 Inclusion and Disability

For the first time in history, on 14, 15 and 16 October the Ministers dealing with disability and inclusion in the G7 countries (Italy, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States of America, with the participation of the European Union) will meet in Umbria. It is a historic moment, that the Italian G7 Presidency wishes to maximize, by making a concrete and participatory G7.

The goal is to undermine old practices, improve the quality of life of persons, fully apply the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, believe in real change and achieve the disability reform, that in Italy is moving in this direction through the promotion of a new approach and the valorization of persons.

The G7 Inclusion and Disability is a historic event, wanted by the Minister for Disabilities Alessandra Locatelli, and supported by the Ministers who deal with disabilities from all the participating countries. We are ready to map out the future. Together. To launch a message of sharing and Peace and to put at the center of international agendas the issues of inclusion, universal accessibility, autonomous and independent life, enhancement of talents, work inclusion and the right of everyone to full participation in civil, social and political life.

The three days

14 October – Welcoming Day for Ministerial Delegations

The first day is dedicated to the opening of the G7 Inclusion and Disability Summit. The reception of the ministerial delegations will take place in the square in Assisi, and it will be possible to participate in the ceremony by pre-registering on the website. For the first time in history, some practices will be undermined and the welcome, with the traditional handshake, will be shared with people, families, associations, citizens. There will be 3 bands, 80 musicians including 50 with disabilities, who will play the national anthems of the countries involved. In the same square, there will be food trucks from all over Italy where boys and girls with autism and other disabilities work, and along the main street of Assisi there will be about one hundred associations with stands, to present their projects and their activities. In the lower and upper squares there will be two large monitors to allow all those present to follow the welcome ceremony.

15 October – Preparatory Day

The Preparatory Day will take place at Castello di Solfagnano (PG), with the participation of about 160 delegates and 5 discussion panels in which experts from all over the world will intervene about the priorities identified by the G7 countries and, for the occasion, over 20 associations that employ boys and girls with disabilities will work inside the Castello and will provide the welcoming and catering, besides preparing and serving food.

16 October – Ministerial Meeting

It will be the heart of the event, a moment for Ministers only, and will take place at Castello di Solfagnano. Special invited countries will also be able to participate and sign the Solfagnano Charter, cited on page 34 of the leaders’ final document, which represents the 8 priorities to which the G7 countries commit themselves for the future. At the end of the meeting, there will be the conventional final press conference followed by the lunch, which is organized by some associations and Third Sector Entities.